Compassionate veterinary doctors holding pet dog and pet cat evaouating for aging

“Incredible changes born from compassion are changes worth making.

- Shannon Doretti

As a veterinarian, we understand that you want to provide the best possible care for your clients and their pet companions, not just during their lives but also during their end-of-life journey.

By offering Petrichor Aquamation as an eco sustainable part of your practice, your clients will receive additional care and support through the transition they need, while also aligning with your practice's commitment to sustainability and ethical treatment.

Tender caring vet techs caring for a cat Veterinarian showing compassion to elderly cutomer on their aging pet

Benefits for Pet Parents

  • Empowerment through choice
  • Pride in making positive change
  • Unique curated eco-friendly keepsake
  • Support in making end of life aftercare decisions
  • Owners are life long pet parents and stewards of quality care, committed to tracking your pet as if it were our own

Benefits for Veterinarians

  • Membership to the growing number of clinics across the country adopting aquamation as a service offered
  • Confidence in eco-sustainable equipment designed from #1 manufacturer in the world
  • Educational brochures and branded certificates of aquamation
  • Dual tracking systems for every pet companion
  • Partnership approach in educating staff
Veterinarian holding pet compaion seeking healthcare

Let’s elevate the end of life aftercare journey together.

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